So hello Friends Welcome to my Tips And Tricks website and so i have to show Bow to install Ubuntu 22.04 on xfce4 On Termux
So If install Termux Like play store and Website
If You First Command On This And Update All repo
pkg update and pkg upgrade
If You have Update x11-repo service and to install xfce4
pkg install x11-repo
So If You about setup repo and To Type Command and install xfce4
pkg install xfce4 xfce4-goodies
Its install simple feom like 263MB Download and Make You install Linux distro but its Well be Best
mkdir .vnc
Now to to enter Some Command And to Complain Startup
nano .vnc/xstartup
Now its to install welcome bee command for If You enter this command and Type Ctrl X and Y Enter
#!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sh## This file is executed during VNC server## startup.# Launch terminal emulator Aterm.# Requires package 'aterm'.aterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls &# Launch Tab Window Manager.# Requires package 'xorg-twm'.#twm &startxfce4 &
Now You have Type on This command
chmod +x .vnc/xstartup
So if you start server from vnc